e-Shop Katalog

flat nose pliers

  • watchmaker's pliers
    namemodelVersionlengthitem No.
    flat nose pliersRegleuseSmooth jaws115 mm517830
    flat nose pliersRegleuseSerrated jaws115 mm517831
  • standard
    namemodelVersionlengthitem No.
    flat nose pliersStandardSerrated jaws130 mm517810
    flat nose pliersStandardSmooth jaws130 mm517811
  • Ergoplus
    namemodelVersionlengthitem No.
    flat nose pliersErgoplusSmooth jaws135 mm517750
  • Lindström Supreme
    namemodelVersionlengthitem No.
    flat nose pliersLindström 7490Smooth jaws120 mm517320

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