e-Shop Katalog

ETA - jewels

ETA Bestsellers ruby jewels in a advantage box with 3 pieces each.
namePivotoutside-Øheightadditioncontentsitem No.
ruby jewels0.100.700,163 pieces818991007
ruby jewels0,110.900,183 pieces818991109
ruby jewels0,111.000,183 pieces818991110
ruby jewels0,111.800,363 pieces818991118
ruby jewels0.140.600,223 pieces818991406
ruby jewels0.140.700,18#227 2892-23 pieces818991407
ruby jewels0.140.900,183 pieces818991409
ruby jewels0.141.800,363 pieces818991418
ruby jewels0.160.700,143 pieces818991607
ruby jewels0.180.700,223 pieces818991807
ruby jewels0.200.800,203 pieces818992008
ruby jewels0.200.900,183 pieces818992009
ruby jewels0.250.800,253 pieces818992508
ruby jewels0.251.000,25#1488 77503 pieces818992510
ruby jewels0.301.000,25#203+105 # 2892-23 pieces818993010
ruby jewels0.401.000,303 pieces818994010
ruby jewels0.420.800,163 pieces818994208
ruby jewels0.501.000,253 pieces818995010
ruby jewels1.012.000,45#201 6498-13 pieces818990120

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