BrandEBERHARDCaliber310-8Size14FunctionKLS -CHRVersionHandsStem7613Stem (subs.)Stem (2 pce)Balance staffBalance staff (subs.)Mainspring (subs.)1,45 x 11,5 x 0,13Mainspring (subs.)Battery


Part NocaliberdescriptionoriginalArtno.
180/1Barrel complete -with mainspring
195BCore and ratchet wheel, riveted921001953108
210BThird wheel and pinion921002103108
401Winding stem8027613
407BClutch wheel921004073108
450BSetting wheel921004503108
8000Chronograph wheel ( 60s)
8020BMinute counting wheel (30m)921080203108
8070BPillar wheel 2-3 functions921080703108
8139Operating lever chrono 2 funct.921081393108
8141BOperating lever hook, 2 functions921081413108
8180BFly-back lever -zero actoon921081803108
8200BBlocking lever, 2 functions921082003108
8270Minute counter jumper921082703108
8320BClutch spring, 2 functions921083203108
8325BSternradwippenfeder zwei Funktionen921083253108
8335BOperating lever spring921083353108
8350BHammer spring, 2 functions921083503108
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