e-Shop Katalog

Leather (braided)

Braided leather cords from the finest calf leather in excellent quality and supple softness. Jewelry from leather straps is always individual and full of charisma.
  • nameØcolourVersionPUitem No.
    leather cord3.0 mmblackwoven1m462071
    leather cord3.0 mmdark brownwoven1m462077
  • nameØcolourVersionPUitem No.
    leather cord4.0mmblackwoven1m462061
    leather cord4.0mmdark brownwoven1m462067
    leather cord4.0mmGreywoven1m462062
  • nameØcolourVersionPUitem No.
    leather cord5.0 mmblackwoven1m462081
    leather cord5.0 mmdark brownwoven1m462087
  • nameØcolourVersionPUitem No.
    leather cord8.0 mmblackwoven1m462091

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