e-Shop Katalog

smooth (silver)

Smooth (silver)

The diameter is the inner diameter.

  • nameØcoin heightFittingalloytypePUitem No.
    coin setting16,6 mm1.0 mm1 Pfenning, 1 CentS 925/-smooth1720000166
    coin setting17,2 mm0,7 mm5 GoldmarkS 925/-smooth1720000172
    coin setting20,1 mm0,9 mm10 Goldmark, 50 PfennigS 925/-smooth1720000200
    coin setting21,5 mm1.0 mm10 Pfenning, 20 CHFS 925/-smooth1720000215
    coin setting22,5 mm1,4 mm25 Goldmark,2 RandS 925/-smooth1720000225
    coin setting24,2 mm1,8 mm25 Peseten, 50 centS 925/-smooth1720000242
    coin setting26,2 mm1,4 mm2 EuroS 925/-smooth1720000262
    coin setting28,2 mm1.9 mm50 FranceS 925/-smooth1720000280
    coin setting29,2 mm1.7 mm5 DMS 925/-smooth1720000295
    coin setting31,0 mm1.5 mm10 chil PesosS 925/-smooth1720000310
    coin setting32,7 mm2.5 mm10 EuroS 925/-smooth1720000325
    coin setting33,0 mm2.1 mmKrugerrand 1 ounceS 925/-smooth1720000330
    coin setting34,5 mm2.5 mm20 US DollarS 925/-smooth1720000340
    coin setting36,2 mm2,4 mmDollarS 925/-smooth1720000362
    coin setting38,2 mm2,4 mmCommemorative coinS 925/-smooth1720000382
    coin setting40,1 mm1.5 mm4 ducatsS 925/-smooth1720000405
    Münzfassung41,0 mm2.0 mmS 925/-smooth1720000410
    coin setting41,3 mm2,2 mmMaria TheresiaS 925/-smooth1720000415

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