e-Shop Katalog

braided (gold)

braided (gold)

The diameter is the inner diameter.

  • nameØcoin heightFittingalloytypePUitem No.
    coin setting19,0 mm1.0 mm5 Pfenning, 2 centYG 585/-knurled1720202190
    coin setting20.0 mm1.0 mm10 Goldmark,1 DukateYG 585/-knurled1720202200
    coin setting22,0 mm1.5 mm10 Pfenning,5 CentYG 585/-knurled1720202220
    coin setting22,5 mm1.5 mm25 Goldmark,2 RandYG 585/-knurled1720202225
    coint setting26,2 mm2 EuroYG 585/-knurled1720202260

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