BrandCERTINACaliber15-21Size6 3/4FunctionSC-AUT (21 600)VersionHands0,55x1,00Stem5105Stem (subs.)Stem (2 pce)Balance staff27617Balance staff (subs.)Mainspring (subs.)Mainspring (subs.)Battery


Part NocaliberdescriptionoriginalArtno.
210BThird wheel
220BSecond wheel -short pivot
40715-20Clutch wheel912004071520
44515-20Setting lever spring912004451520
705BEscape wheel -pinion straigt piv.
710BPallet fork -pinion 1 lower end-piec.
723Balance staff ST -shock-absorber80227617
1143Oscillating weight912011431520
152015-20Reversing wheel912015201520
1520/115-20Auxilary reversing wheel912015211520
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