BrandETERNACaliber1401Size7 1/4 ( 18 000 )FunctionSC-AUTVersionHands0,70x1,20Stem5611Stem (subs.)Stem (2 pce)Balance staff28612Balance staff (subs.)Mainspring (subs.)1,3x6,5x0,07 AUTMainspring (subs.)Battery


Part NocaliberdescriptionoriginalArtno.
180/1Barrel complete -with mainspring922001801401
203third wheel
242Cannon pinion with driver
255=ETA 2360Hour wheel sweep sec.920002552360
401Winding stem8025611
425=ETA 2365Clicking spring920004302365
430=ETA 2365Click spring920004302365
443= 2360 ETASetting lever assembled920004432360
705Escape wheel -pinion straigt piv.
710Pallet fork -pinion 1 lower end-piec.
723Balance staff ST -shock-absorber80228612
1143Oscillating weight
1482Ratchet wheel driving wheel
1485/1Reverser chrono
1488Pawel winding wheel025998
1497Bearing wheel
51497Srew for ball bearing
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