work chairs

The world of work-chairs, whether simple wooden or high-quality medical chairs of the Sitag, Dauphin or Vector brands.
  • Dauphin Tec basic
    namemanufacturemodelVersionitem No.
    working stoolDauphinTec basicw/o. upholstery610145
    working stoolDauphinTec basicwith upholstery610146
    working stoolDauphinTec basicmit hoher Polsterung610147
  • Dauphin Tec profile
    namemanufacturemodelVersionitem No.
    work chairDauphinTec ProfilePartial upholstery610140
    work chairDauphinTec ProfileFull upholstery610141
    work chairDauphinTec ProfilePU upholstery610144
  • Dauphin Ergonomic
    namemanufacturemodelVersionitem No.
    work chairDauphinErgonomic BasicSyncro-Activ-Balance610137
    work chairDauphinErgonomic SUVSyncro-Activ-Balance610138
    work chairDauphinErgonomic ESDSyncro-Activ-Balance610139
  • Sitagwave
    namemanufacturemodelVersionitem No.
    work chairSitagSitagwavesPrInG-moTIon & FloW-TEc610158
  • HAG Capisco Puls 8010
    namemanufacturemodelVersionSeat hightitem No.
    work chairHAGCapisco Puls 8010Partial upholstery39-53cm (H0)610180
    work chairHAGCapisco Puls 8010Partial upholstery45-64cm (H1)610181
    work chairHAGCapisco Puls 8010Partial upholstery55-79cm (H2)610182
  • HAG Capisco Puls 8020
    namemanufacturemodelVersionSeat hightitem No.
    work chairHAGCapisco Puls 8020Full upholstery39-53cm (H0)610185
    work chairHAGCapisco Puls 8020Full upholstery47-65cm (H1)610186
    work chairHAGCapisco Puls 8020Full upholstery55-81cm (H2)610187
  • HAG Capisco Puls FootRing
    namemanufacturemodelVersionSeat hightitem No.
    FootRingHAGCapisco PulsaluminiumH1 + H2610189
  • Bioswing Foxter
    namemanufacturemodelVersionitem No.
    Work stoolBioswingFoxter3D-seat mechanism610173
  • Bioswing Balance saddle seat
    namemanufacturemodelVersionitem No.
    work chairBioswingBalance saddle seat3D-seat mechanism610170
  • Bioswing Balance classic
    namemanufacturemodelVersionitem No.
    work chairBioswingBalance Classic3D-seat mechanism610172
  • Bioswing 350iQ
    namemanufacturemodelVersionitem No.
    work chairBioswing350iQ3D-seat mechanism610174

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