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metal punches

Metal punches - punch patterns

Setting dies, of hardened steel with pin for casting settings.
  • Square and rectangular
    nameVersionHole dimensionHolesitem No.
    Bezel blockSquare and rectangular4-10mm14502339
  • Square
    nameVersionHole dimensionHolesitem No.
    Bezel blocksquare4-14mm11502328
    Bezel Blocksquare14-21mm8502329
  • Round
    nameVersionHole dimensionHolesitem No.
    Bezel blockRound3-13mm11502320
    Bezel blockRound5-20mm20502321
  • Oval
    nameVersionHole dimensionHolesitem No.
    Bezel blockoval4-14mm11502324
    Bezel blockoval14-21mm8502325

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