e-Shop Katalog

for riveting

Bars shape G/12 to be riveted

First quality.

Pipe Ø: 1.30 mm
Material: inox (Swiss made)

nameVersionshapelengthitem No.
Barsfor rivetingG/1210 mm845853010
Barsfor rivetingG/1212 mm845853012
Barsfor rivetingG/1214 mm845853014
Barsfor rivetingG/1216 mm845853016
Barsfor rivetingG/1217 mm845853017
Barsfor rivetingG/1218 mm845853018
Barsfor rivetingG/1220 mm845853020
Barsfor rivetingG/1221 mm845853021
Barsfor rivetingG/1222 mm845853022
Barsfor rivetingG/1224 mm845853024

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