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400-day clock pendulum springs by Kern
  • pendulum springs, mechanical
    namelengthDrivermanufacturemodelitem No.
    pendulum springs, mechanical127 mmcoreS10070720
  • pendulum springs, mechanical
    namelengthDrivermanufacturemodelitem No.
    pendulum springs, mechanical84 mmcoreM10A070721
  • pendulum springs, mechanical
    namelengthDrivermanufacturemodelitem No.
    pendulum springs, mechanical86 mm8.0mmcoreM10N070722
  • pendulum springs, mechanical
    namelengthDrivermanufacturemodelitem No.
    pendulum springs, mechanical79 mmcoreP10070723
  • pendulum springs, quartz
    namelengthDrivermanufacturemodelitem No.
    pendulum springs, quartz102 mm26.0mmcoreQS10070725
  • pendulum springs, quartz
    namelengthDrivermanufacturemodelitem No.
    pendulum springs, quartz82 mm26.0mmcoreQM10070726
  • pendulum springs, quartz
    namelengthDrivermanufacturemodelitem No.
    pendulum springs, quartz82 mm26.0mmcoreQP10070727
  • pendulum springs, slim-line
    namelengthDrivermanufacturemodelitem No.
    pendulum springs, slim-line83 mmcoreNeu WA070717

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