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singly (Quarz)

stems for ETA Quarzmovements
namemanufacturecalibrethread Øreplaceabilityitem No.
winding stemsETA210.0010.80 mm8024203
winding stemsETA210.0110.90 mm920004052101
winding stemsETA210.4110.90 mm920004052104
winding stemsETA251.2510.90 mm251.252 / 251.262 / 251.2728025080
winding stemsETA251.4710.90 mm8025081
winding stemsETA255.1110.90 mm255.031 / 255.041 / 255.xxx8022502
winding stemsETA256.1110.90 mm256.031 / 256.041 / 256.xxx8027255
winding stemsETA280.0010.80 mm280.0028024202
winding stemsETA282.0010.80 mm8023502
winding stemsETA562.0010.90 mm8025114
winding stemsETA803.1110.90 mm803.xxx / 804.xxx / 805.xxx8029046
winding stemsETA901.0010.90 mm901.0058024410
winding stemsETA902.1010.90 mm902.002 / 902.501 / 902.xxx8024303
winding stemsETA956.1120.90 mm955.xxx / 956.xxx8025070
winding stemsETA976.0010.90 mm978.002 / 279.001 / 279.0028025072
winding stemsETA980.0030.90 mm980.106 / 980.153 / 980.1638024409
winding stemsETAE01.0010.90 mmE01.40192000401E010
winding stemsETAE03.0010.80 mm281.002920004052810
winding stemsETAE20.3011,00mE20.321,E20.331,E20.341 / E20.351920004052030
winding stemsETAE61.101E61.111 / E61.031 / E61.04192000401E610
winding stemsETAE63.101E63.xxx / E64.xxx92000401E630
winding stemsETAF03.1110.90 mmF04.111 / F03.xxx / F04.xxx8024304
winding stemsETAF05.1110.90 mmF06.111 / F06.161 / F07.1118024305
winding stemsETAG10.2110.90 mmG10.711 / G10.7918025079
winding stemsETAG15.2110.90 mmG15.212 / G15.261920004051521

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