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hanging motors

Suspended power-drill motors and accessories.
  • hanging motors
    nameVersionRPMoutputmanufactureitem No.
    pendant drill motorwithout speed limiter0-18000 RPM800 wattGB-97691995
    pendant drill motorwith speed governor0-18000 RPM800 wattGB-99691996
  • handpiece lever shape
    namemanufactureRPMVersionitem No.
    hand-piecelever shapemax. 18000quick-release694003
    colletT30Ø 2.35 mmsingle693990
    locking capT30blacksingle693991
  • Süda handpieces
    namemanufactureRPMVersionitem No.
    hand-pieceSüda 52max. 18000Technician693980
  • Badeco handpieces
    namemanufactureRPMVersionitem No.
    handpieceBadeco 275max. 20000 RPMball-bearing694008
    handpieceBadeco 295max. 20000 RPMball-bearing694020
    handpieceBadeco 430max. 20000 RPMQuick-release handpiece694007
  • chucks
    nameVersionsizemanufacturecontentsitem No.
    colletQuick-changeØ 2.35 mmBadeco1 piece694050
    colletstandardØ 0.55 mmBadeco1 piece694021
    colletstandardØ 0.80 mmBadeco1 piece694022
    colletstandardØ 1.05 mmBadeco1 piece694023
    colletstandardØ 1.55 mmBadeco1 piece694024
    colletstandardØ 2.05 mmBadeco1 piece694025
    colletstandardØ 2.35 mmBadeco1 piece694026
    colletstandardØ 2.55 mmBadeco1 piece694027
    colletstandardØ 3.05 mmBadeco1 piece694028
    colletstandardØ 3.20 mmBadeco1 piece694029
    colletsstandardAssortmentBadeco9 pieces692048
  • setter's hammer
    namemanufactureRPMVersionitem No.
    setter hammerBadecomax. 5000 RPM215694014
    setter hammerSüdamax. 3000S12694013
  • Rivet inserts
    nameVersionsizemanufacturecontentsitem No.
    tips for malletAssortmentBadeco9 pieces694018
    tips for malletunhardenedØ 4.00 mmBadeco1 piece694030
    tips for malletround, smoothØ 0.50 mmBadeco1 piece694031
    tips for malletround, smoothØ 1.00 mmBadeco1 piece694032
    tips for malletround, smoothØ 2.10 mmBadeco1 piece694033
    tips for malletround, smoothØ 2.50 mmBadeco1 piece694034
    tips for malletround, grovedØ 2.10 mmBadeco1 piece694035
    tips for malletround, concaveØ 0.80 mmBadeco1 piece694036
    tips for malletround, concaveØ 1.00 mmBadeco1 piece694037
    tips for malletrectangle, smooth0.50 x 1.00 mmBadeco1 piece694038
    tips for malletrectangle, smooth0.80 x 1.50 mmBadeco1 piece694039
    tips for malletrectangle, smooth1.00 x 2.00 mmBadeco1 piece694040
    tips for malletrectangle, smooth1.20 x 2.50 mmBadeco1 piece694041
    tips for malletrectangle, grooved1.20 x 2.50 mmBadeco1 piece694042
    tips for malletoval, grooved2.10 x 1.20 mmBadeco1 piece694043
    tips for malletsquare, smooth1.00 x 1.00 mmBadeco1 piece694044
    tips for malletsquare, smooth1.60 x 1.60 mmBadeco1 piece694045
    tips for malletHSS, pointØ 2.50 mmBadeco1 piece694046
    tips for malletcarbide, pointØ 2.50 mmBadeco1 piece694047
    tips for malletHSS, point - angle2.50 mm x 45°Badeco1 piece694048
    tips for malletcarbide, point - angle2.50 mm x 45°Badeco1 piece694049
  • accessories
    nameVersionitem No.
    sliding connection springfor suspended motors691987
    reduction gear4:1 for setter hammer691991
    chuck adapter setfor suspended motors562590
    flexible shaftCore-Ø 5mm691986
    foot pedalfor suspended motors691989
  • table-stand
    nameVersionoverhangsuspension heightitem No.
    bench-standsfor screwing on50-460 mm740 - 1390 mm691982
    bench-standsfor clamping50-460 mm740 - 1390 mm691983

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