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pickling units

Degussa pickling unit and accessories. It is most important to use quality products, like Allpex and Neacid, as this is the only way to make sure that the goldsmith's work will be good. It is important to use the right pickling medium for the respective pickling prozess.
  • Durston
    namebath temperaturecapacitymanufactureitem No.
    pickling unit65 °C500mlDurston607852
  • Neacid
    namebath temperaturecapacitymanufactureitem No.
    pickling unit70 °C300 mlNeacid607854
    swivel sieveNeacid607855
  • Durston
    nameVersionmanufacturecontentsitem No.
    pickling agentpowder formDurston150g607853
  • Neacid
    namemanufactureVersioncontentsitem No.
    pickling agentNeacidpowder form2 x 65 g507855
  • Allpex
    namemanufactureVersioncontentsitem No.
    pickling agentAllpexpowder form500 g507856
  • Oxid-Ex
    Best results in the deoxidizing and pickling of jewellery!
    nameVersionmanufacturecontentsitem No.
    Oxid-Exdeoxidation & picklingBoley1 litre507290
  • Ultra-Poon
    nameVersionmanufacturecontentsitem No.
    mordantdeoxidation & picklingUltrapoon S1 litre507857
  • tweezers
    nameVersionlengthadditionitem No.
    tweezersbrass125 mm513284
    tweezersV2A steel200 mmfor pickling513292
  • boling out pans
    nameVersionmaterialØ x heightcontentsitem No.
    evaporating dishwith handleporcelain85 x 49 mm176 ml502204
    evaporating dishwith handleporcelain101 x 51 mm270 ml502205
    evaporating dishwith handleporcelain120 x 64mm450 ml502206

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