e-Shop Katalog


  • embedding unit
    nameVersiontypeoutputitem No.
    air-evacuating unitbedding toolVacumat375 watt604020
  • Investment Plasticast
    for 3D models made of plastic or wax
    nameVersionmanufacturecontentsitem No.
    InvestmentPlasticastRansom & Randolph22,7 kg604184
  • Investment Boncast
    For gold, silver, bronze and copper up to 1093 ° C.
    nameVersionmanufacturecontentsitem No.
    InvestmentPremiumBoncast22,7 kg604186
  • Investment Ultra-Vest
    For gold, silver, bronze and copper up to 1093 ° C.
    nameVersionmanufacturecontentsitem No.
    InvestmentUltra-VestRansom & Randolph22,7 kg604188
  • Investment Ultra-Vest Maxx
    White and yellow gold (high temperatures).
    nameVersionmanufacturecontentsitem No.
    InvestmentUltra-Vest MaxxRansom & Randolph22,7 kg604189
  • Investment Astro-Vest
    For platinum, stainless steel and other alloys above 1200 ° C.
    nameVersionmanufacturecontentsitem No.
    InvestmentAstro-VestRansom & Randolph20 kg604187
  • Investment Speed R/P
    nameVersiondescriptioncontentsitem No.
    Investment SpeedInvest R/Pphosphate-bound4500g604136
    Investment SpeedInvest R/Pphosphate-bound18000g604137
  • Mixing fluid R/P
    nameVersiondescriptioncontentsitem No.
    mixing fluidInvest R/Pfor embedding compounds1 litre604129
    mixing fluidInvest R/Pfor embedding compounds5 litres604159

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