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polishing machines

built into the casing with light and extraction device for universal use in the watchmaker's or goldsmith's workshop.
  • Polistar
    nametypeRPMmotor outputsuction performanceitem No.
    polishing machinePolistar2800 RPM350 watt440 m³/h691940
  • Polimaxx
    nametypeRPMmotor outputsuction performanceitem No.
    polishing machinePolimaxx vario300-3000 RPM370 watt500 m³/h691936
  • Polimaxx II
    nametypeRPMmotor outputsuction performanceitem No.
    polishing machinePolimaxx II vario300-3000 RPM370 watt2x 500 m³/h691937
    polishing machinePolimaxx II Premium300-3000 RPM370 watt2x 500 m³/h691930
  • WP-Ex 2000 II
    nametypeRPMmotor outputsuction performanceitem No.
    polishing machineWP-Ex 2000 II1500/3000 RPM650 Watt445 m³/h691905
  • Poliret Mini
    nametypeRPMmotor outputsuction performanceitem No.
    Polishing machinePoliret Mini1000-4500 RPM600 watt500 m³/h691920
  • Poliret
    nametypeRPMmotor outputsuction performanceitem No.
    polishing machinePoliret Comfort270-4500 RPM550 watt800 m³/h691926
    polishing machinePoliret Twin270-4500 RPM2x 370 Watt800 m³/h691927
  • PT 1-1
    nametypeRPMmotor outputsuction performanceitem No.
    polishing machinePT 1-11400/2800 RPM370 watt520 m³/h691965
  • PT 3
    nametypeRPMmotor outputsuction performanceitem No.
    polishing machinePT 31400/2800 RPM550 watt2000 m³/h691975
  • polishing tips
    nameVersiontypefeeditem No.
    polishing tipsrightPolistar, Polimat8mm692054
    polishing tipsright-standardPolimaxx / PA-310 / PT-1 / PM 100-x14mm (flange)691967
    polishing tipsrightPA-012 / PA-100 / PA-200 / PA-210 / Moderma14mm692056
    polishing tipsleftPA-210 / Moderma14mm692055
    polishing tipsrightPM 200-x / PT-310mm (Inside threaded)692570
    polishing tipsleftPM 200-x / PT-310mm (Inside threaded)692572
  • grinding wheel fitting
    namefeedVersiontypeitem No.
    grinding wheel attachment14mmleft + rightPolimaxx / PA-310 / PT-1 / PT-3692059
    grinding wheel attachment14mmrightPA-012, -100, -200, -210, B4692057
    grinding wheel attachment14mmleftPA-210, B4692058
  • quick change adapter
    namefeedVersiontypeitem No.
    collet14mm (flange)rightPolimaxx / PA-310 / PT-1/-3691970
    collet14mm (flange)leftPolimaxx / PA-310 / PT-1/-3691971
    polishing tipquick-release fastenerrightPolimaxx / PA-310 / PT-1/-3691972
    polishing tipquick-release fastenerleftPolimaxx / PA-310 / PT-1/-3691973
    Grinding wheel mountingquick-release fastenerrightPolimaxx / PA-310 / PT-1/-3691976
    Grinding wheel mountingquick-release fastenerleftPolimaxx / PA-310 / PT-1/-3691977
    Clamping leverwith springPolimaxx / PA-310 / PT-1/-3691974
  • illuminants
    nametypeoutputsettingitem No.
    illuminantPA-012,PA-210,PA-31011 wattG23695834
    illuminantPA-Mini. PT-1. PT-3. ASG-27 watt691933
  • replacement filter
    namedimensionstypecontentsitem No.
    replacement filter260x​210x​20mmPolimaxx1 x filter691938
    replacement filter258x​179x​48mmPolimaxx1x cassette691939
    replacement filter260x​260x​20mmPolimaxx Premium1 x filter691931
    replacement filter265x​120x​20mmPA-mini1 x filter691944
    replacement filter280x​215x​20mmPA-012, -100, -200, -2101 x filter691957
    replacement filterPA-3102x pre/ + 1x final filter691901
    replacement filterLength 57cmPT-1-1 / PT-1-21 x filter hose691966
    replacement filter418x​418x​20mmPT-31x Filter Standard691978
    replacement filter425x​475x​40mmPT-31x Filter coconut691979
  • suction grid
    nameVersiondimensionstypeitem No.
    extractor gridSize 1183x​102mmPA-Mini, Polistar691953
    extractor gridSize 2197x​143mmPA-012 / PA-100 / PA-200 / PA-210, Polimaxx691952
  • Druckschalter
    nameVersiontypeitem No.
    pressure switchOn/OutPolimaxx691943
  • Plexiglas protection
    nameVersiontypeitem No.
    Plexiglas protectionCoverPolimaxx691955

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