e-Shop Katalog

polishing tips

nameVersiontypefeeditem No.
polishing tipsleftOS-100 / Multifix M808mm692502
polishing tipsrightOS-100 / Multifix M808mm692503
polishing tipsleftOS-300 / Multifix MR2514mm692523
polishing tipsrightOS-300 / Multifix MR2514mm692524
polishing tipsleftMAP-210 mm692552
polishing tipsrightMAP-210 mm692553
polishing tipsleftPA-210 / Moderma14mm692055
polishing tipsrightPA-012 / PA-100 / PA-200 / PA-210 / Moderma14mm692056
polishing tipsleftPM 200-x / PT-310mm (Inside threaded)692572
polishing tipsrightPM 200-x / PT-310mm (Inside threaded)692570

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